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Book Review : And the mountains echoed

This is my third novel of Khaled. Already read Thousand splendid sons and Kite Runner. I should say this is not as good as remaining two. But it is unique and real. This story also did not fail to speak about the pain of Afghans. War, loss of life, Intervention of taliban and suffering continue to run in background here also. I think the same template makes the story as not so interesting one. If you hear the same thing again and again, you will loss interest in it. Same applies here also. It is about the unconditional love of a Brother and Sister. Abdullah who is a brother of his two year old sister Pari, take care of her as his own daughter. They lost their Mother while she giving birth to Pari. That is where Abdullah took the responsibility of a Mother. This won't continue for a long time. Pari's father gave Pari to a wealthy family due to his poverty and for a good life for his daughter. That is where Abdullah and Pari parted from each other. Remianing of the st...