From the title itself, it is well clear that i am going to speak about nothing else than the written auto biography of Mahatma Gandhi. But we can't say it is a complete autobiography. As he and title says, it comprises of only the experiments of Gandhi with truth.
Gandhi life is an ocean, no one can limit it within numbers. But I am trying to limit myself within five takeaway. He led a life as an example and he also set a standard which is unreachable. But everyone of us can live to a certain extent of it. if you ask me, why I have to live like Gandhi? maybe this five takeaways will answer your question. if not, sorry for wasting your five minutes of precious time.
1.No God is higher than Truth
The first takeaway is No God is higher than Truth. Gandhi saw truth as a god throughout his life. Truth in the sense, it is not something which we saw in words. It is being true in all aspects of life, even through thoughts. Ultimately, we should be true to our self. Gandhi felt a thought of committing mistake is also a half committed one. As I already said we cannot live to that extent. But we too follow the path of truth as much as can. Over the years, it is even possible for us to see the god which is nothing else than the truth. He held truth in such a prime position in his life. He never tried to compromise on anything which affects the truth. As we all know, Gandhi is a barrister by profession. "A lawyer is a one who has to speak lie" it is a belief exist that time. But Gandhi was entirely opposite to it. He never took a false case in his life. If he felt it is a false one, he immediately removed himself from that case. In some situation he went against his own party and admitted the crime. For him truth is the most important thing. All his experiments are thus conducted with a sole purpose towards it. In the last section of the book. He told his readers, "Truth is like a sun. i can only able see a ray of it. even for that people regard me as mahatma. It is too stingy . So with that, this is the first takeaway try to be true to yourself and everyone else.
Ahimsa is treating every living thing equally. Not only humans but also animals. Everyone has equal right in this world. We should not deny that right in any situation or we can't suppose to do so. Treating everyone equally in the sense causing no harm to both animals and humans. In this regard vegetarianism automatically comes into the arc. Gandhi felt non veg is not a needed thing to stay healthy. By being a pure vegetarian, he proved meat is not a needed thing for the existence of a person. He even gave up drinking milk throughout his life. It shows his generosity towards Ahimsa. He firmly believed that independence is possible only through Ahimsa at the end he also made his belief came true. Untouchability is an inevitable thing when we spoke of Ahimsa. A person who wants to follow Ahimsa should not even think of untouchability.So as Gandhi moral, this world is for everyone. There won't be any wrong in giving the same respect to every person. if you expect something from others give that same thing to others. Respect is not an exception to that list.
3. Self Restraint
Gandhi made three promises to his mother to get her permission for going to London. In London almost everyone Gandhi met compelled him to eat meat which was against one of his promises. They also cautioned him, it is not possible to stay alive in England without eating meat. All these things done are nothing against mahatma resolution. He kept his vow alive throughout his stay in England. Gandhi fasted for days without eating to express his opposition or to punish himself. These things are not possible without being self restraint. In another situation Gandhi was on his death bed due to serious illness. That time all doctors who came to treat him prescribed him to drink milk and eat eggs. But Gandhi refused it completely. He preferred to die than being alive by breaching his vow. Then after some time one doctor asked him at least drink goat milk. Even this he took it after a long hesitation. Gandhi felt a high regret for, he has done that. These incidents clearly show how much self restraint Gandhi poses in his life. This is the third takeaway from the life of born fighter Gandhi.
4. Satyagraha
This we all probably already knew and this is something which we have grown up by hearing. Gandhi, his known for satyagraha. A revolution which makes the independence of india possible. For those who don't know what is satyagraha or held a wrong belief about it. Satygaraha is the act of opposing something through non violence. We can also call it as non cooperation. Those who follow satyagraha call themselves as satyagrahis. It may seem like an easier thing, but sataygraha is most difficult to observe then being involve in violence. Opposing someone by causing no harm to him is not the easiest thing, but gandhi has done it by his clever thinking. He followed the path of satyagraha on various occasions. In each and every occasion he followed a different approach. He attained both success and failure in that. But he didn't gave up the process of trying or opposing. This attitude makes Gandhi different from other freedom fighters. This is the same thing which help Gandhi to a attract mass population of India to follow him. Immense amount of patience is needed for being a satyagrahi and it is not everyone's cup of tea.
5. Everyone is same
Gandhi fought for this single point all his life. In South Africa he fought for indentured labour rights. In India he fought for the rights of Indians in Champaran, Kheda and in various other places. All these things he done to prove a single thing which is "everyone is same". Caste or colour nothing can't differentiate one person from another. He may be poor or rich. He may be physically strong or not. He may do any work for his living except theft. But the thing is everyone is same. Everyone should be treated in the same way. Those who discriminate others by these factors are the real unwanted thing in this world. Rest of the things it is up to to you follow it or not. But if you don't follow this, remember you are not enough capable to consider as a human being.
All the above mentioned things are only I personally felt something which is worth consider from the life a legend. If it hurts you by any means, I am sorry for that. On these 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi. we also can start to follow the footsteps of him. He is a kind of gem even after years his thoughts and actions helps plenty of people to lead their life in a good way. In addition to these five takeaways, the sixth takeaway from Gandhi life is service. Extend your service to everyone who seek that. Though he opposed the British, he drove ambulance for British emperor when they are in need during the war. This shows his serving tendency. With this we came to an end of this article. If you like it share it with others.
Happy Birthday Gandhi !!
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